Self-Discovery, Healing, Transforming and Inspiration
Using drawing as a tool for self discovery, healing, and getting inspiration (başlıklar sayfası gibi) for future work and for the Lab and Work section. Rather than focusing on a cohesive aesethics, style, idea or a theme: this process is somewhat different in which there are no established rules, boundaries and limitations. In life we are imposed to so much confinement both from our surrounding and most harshly from ourself that this process aims to create a safe zone, by demolishing all the established norms . In this space creating does not come from the known like the idea of beauty or the use of materials, but rather all comes from the unknown. The object of focus is not about the end product but about the process and the realizations that come through. During this subconscious manifestation: materials, forms, processes and actions reveal hidden mysteries. These mysteries both positive and negative not only reveal themselves through art but they also get transformed by it. Besides the personal realization and transformation aspect, I meticulously try to preserve this process as free zone to be able to discover what I cannot otherwise. These discoveries then become a starting point for new collections, studies, and concepts. and might lead to a deeper focus on the Lab and Work section.
21 Days
When in Alacati
Covid: Self Protection
Quarantine: Making Friends
First Quarantine
Old Works